Titanium alloys are used to make surgical and dental instruments, as well as various medical devices. This article’s companion resource describes why and how this metal is useful in medicine.
Titanium has been a prominent dental material since the mid-nineteenth century. Titanium has advanced since the 1950s, and it is now used in a wide range of surgeries and medical treatments, including, but not limited to, cardiovascular and orthopedic procedures.
Because of its bacteria resistance, durability, and light weight, titanium is one of the best materials for medical supplies, surgical equipment, and device parts. The metal is great for operating equipment, medical supplies, and import parts for devices like pacemakers and prosthetic joints due to its qualities.
Due to the metal’s medically helpful characteristics and availability for purchase on the market, new medical applications for titanium are continually being studied and tested. The need for a number of medical surgeries that require titanium now or in the future will continue to rise as the US population ages. As a result, these companies will be forced to spend a significant amount of money on R&D. More information on the therapeutic uses and benefits of titanium may be found in the accompanying publications.